M4D Logo 2019

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Our Team

Kathryn Billings - Acrobatic Arts & Ballet

Kathryn is qualified in Acrobatic Arts and RAD ballet and runs her own London based dance school called MK Dance which she founded 15 years ago. In addition to her teaching commitments, Kathryn is a mum of 4 and a TA at Twynham Secondary school. Despite her busy schedule Kathryn always walks into our studios with energy and enthusiasm and ensures our students not only learn lots but have a bit of fun too! 

“I joined Mad4dance after the first lockdown, and it has been a great pleasure. Julie and Chloe have been very supportive and all the children have been very welcoming, I thoroughly enjoy teaching them and seeing them progress week on week. After such a long time since the children have last performed, this is such an exciting time for them, to be back on the stage performing for the parents and putting smiles on people's faces.”